SD38-914 is an example of a low-ribbed steel deck, often used for thin floors and flexible roofs. It is 1.5 inches high, has 6 ribs, and is 3 feet (914) wide.We can provide raw materials with thickness of 18-24 gauge, and galvanized sheet of 120g/m2--275g/m2,or color-coated sheet available.
SD38-914 is divided into typeⅠand type Ⅱ. The difference between them is whether there are embossments on the side. SD38-914Ⅰis mostly used for flexible roofing. SD38-914Ⅱprovides savings by the elimination of temporary forms and shoring. It allows for immediate use of the metal deck as a working platform for all trades.SOLIDECK floor decks provide positive reinforcing of the one-way slab due to the mechanical bond between the deck and the concrete thus creating an effective composite slab.
We ship in Shanghai, fast production, convenient shipping, can be delivered in time.